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AI Content vs Human Content: Which Is The Best Choice?

June 10, 2024
9 min read

The advent of AI tools in recent years has ignited an ongoing debate: AI content vs. human content – which reigns supreme? To address this question, let’s conduct an in-depth comparison across various dimensions to determine the current victory and the optimal choice for the future of content generation.

AI Content vs. Human Content: A Detailed Comparison

Pros & Cons

The following table outlines a detailed comparison of the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of content:

AI ContentHuman Content
ProsQuick content generation

Uniform quality


High scalability

Technical accuracy in spelling and grammar

Error-free initial drafts
Emotional engagement

Unique and fresh content

Creative expressions (wordplay, puns)

Versatile across various formats

Ability to convey passion, voice, tone
ConsCreativity limitations

Contextual misinterpretations

Emotional insensitivity

Dependency risk

Repetitiveness in text
Bias and subjectivity

Labor-intensive content creation

The limited content volume before fatigue

Higher operational costs

Content quality

AI-generated content excels at producing text that is technically proficient, adhering to high standards of spelling and grammar. Experiments conducted by Surfer’s CPO Michal Suski, using the AI detector Originality.ai, have demonstrated that AI can even convincingly mimic human writing styles.

However, AI content often struggles with interpreting nuanced contexts and can generate repetitive or formulaic text, diminishing its overall engagement potential.

Human articles flagged as AI
Human articles flagged as AI

Conversely, human-generated content is characterized by its depth, complexity, and ability to forge emotional connections with audiences through tailored voice and tone. This human touch enriches the content, making it adaptable to a wide array of narrative styles and purposes. 

However, human writers are not infallible and can introduce errors in spelling and grammar. The human writing process can also be time-consuming, potentially impacting overall efficiency.

The verdict

Human content is the winner in content quality. It surpasses AI in delivering emotionally resonant and contextually nuanced articles that captivate and engage readers effectively. Despite AI’s speed and technical accuracy advantages, the depth, creativity, and adaptability of human content make it indispensable for crafting truly impactful and memorable writing.

Content scalability

AI tools offer unparalleled scalability in content generation, unburdened by human limitations such as fatigue or writer’s block. A notable example is ClickUp, which leveraged the AI tool SurferSEO to publish over 150 articles in a year, resulting in an 85% increase in their organic traffic. This illustrates AI’s capacity to produce vast volumes of content with speed, efficiency, and consistency.

On the other hand, human writers cannot compete with AI in terms of sheer output volume. However, they remain essential for defining content direction, curating editorial calendars, and conducting rigorous final content reviews. These critical tasks ensure that the content maintains its intended impact and resonance with the target audience.

The verdict

AI content is the clear winner in terms of scalability. Its ability to rapidly generate high volumes of content without the constraints of human fatigue or creative blocks makes it an invaluable asset for large-scale content marketing initiatives.


Comparing costs: human vs. AI services
Comparing costs: human vs. AI services

AI technology significantly reduces content creation costs. Instead of allocating a budget for salaries for multiple writers, companies can opt for a cost-effective monthly subscription to an AI tool. This enables swift content production at a fraction of the cost of hiring human writers.

In contrast, employing human writers entails multiple expenses beyond salaries, including recruitment, onboarding, training, and the need to scale the team as content demands grow. These processes can be both time-consuming and financially demanding, making human content creation comparatively costlier than AI solutions.

The verdict

AI content proves to be more budget-friendly, making it a better choice in terms of pricing. The ability to generate content rapidly and at reduced costs with AI tools offers a substantial financial advantage over the traditional model of hiring human writers, especially for organizations with high-volume content needs.

Level of Creativity 

AI content creation relies on machine learning algorithms to produce text, enabling continuous operation and the generation of substantial volumes of content around the clock. However, AI lacks the nuance and understanding to convey human emotions and subtleties often found in creative writing.

In contrast, human creators excel in imaginative expression, leveraging emotional intelligence to craft compelling narratives that deeply resonate with readers. They can seamlessly integrate personal experiences, anecdotes, and humor into their writing, a feat that AI currently cannot replicate.

Generative AI vs human creativity
Generative AI vs human creativity

The verdict

Human content emerges as the undisputed champion in terms of creativity. The ability of human writers to engage and connect with readers on an emotional level remains unmatched by AI.

Level of Authenticity & Originality 

AI tools create content by repurposing and synthesizing existing information, often resulting in a lack of originality. They cannot generate novel ideas or offer fresh perspectives. Conversely, human writers are capable of producing genuinely original content that Artificial Intelligence cannot spontaneously conceive.

Furthermore, AI needs help to replicate a distinct brand voice or convey personality, making the content feel generic and impersonal. Humans excel in capturing and expressing a brand’s unique identity and values, creating content that authentically reflects the brand’s image.

While AI-generated content may be optimized for search engines, it often needs more human touch to build trust and rapport with readers. Human writers, on the other hand, create content that connects on a personal level, fostering trust and encouraging reader engagement.

The verdict

Human content stands out as the winner for its authenticity and originality. The ability of human writers to produce unique, brand-aligned content that resonates with readers and builds trust makes them the clear frontrunner in this domain.


AI-generated content can be prone to inaccuracies due to its reliance on outdated or incomplete data. For instance, ChatGPT incorrectly identified “The Flintstones” as the first TV cartoon, while the correct answer was “Crusader Rabbit.” Such errors underscore the necessity of human review to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI content before publication.

Example of inaccurate ChatGPT data
Example of inaccurate ChatGPT data

Humans possess the ability to research and verify facts more thoroughly than AI, mitigating the risk of publishing misinformation. However, even human-written content can contain errors, as evidenced by an AI-generated article published by Men’s Journal that contained 18 factual mistakes. This highlights the importance of meticulous review for all content, regardless of its origin.

The verdict

Human oversight is indispensable for fact-checking both AI and human-produced content. While AI can rapidly generate content, human intervention often necessitates correcting errors, ensuring accuracy, and maintaining credibility.

Actionable advice

AI-generated content requires close monitoring for potential biases stemming from its training datasets. For example, the AI program DALL-E 2 exhibited biases in image generation, associating negative adjectives more frequently with non-white individuals. Moreover, AI’s limitations become more pronounced in sensitive areas like medical or financial advice, where accuracy and ethical considerations are paramount.

Limitations of AI in financial advice
Limitations of AI in financial advice

In contrast, human content creators are essential for advice-driven content, particularly in critical domains like health and finance. Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines underscore the importance of content being backed by verified experts, a standard that AI-generated content alone cannot meet.

The verdict

Human content is the unquestionable victor in providing actionable advice. Given the high stakes involved in medical and financial guidance, the accuracy, expertise, and ethical considerations that human content creators bring to the table are irreplaceable.

SEO capabilities

AI-generated content excels at aligning with search engine algorithms to maximize visibility. It systematically incorporates relevant keywords and adheres to SEO best practices designed to enhance search rankings efficiently.

While human writers create engaging and compelling content, their strength lies in adapting content for social media and fostering human connection rather than solely focusing on SEO. Their content is often captivating and resonates with readers but may not always be fully optimized for search engines.

The verdict

AI content is the winner in SEO performance. It is inherently better at meeting search engine requirements, making it more effective for boosting search rankings and increasing organic visibility.

AI Content vs. Human Content: The Final Verdict

For now, human content remains the preferred choice and currently holds the advantage over AI-generated content primarily due to its unmatched creativity, emotional depth, and ability to forge genuine engagement. A human writer can tailor content to specific audiences, infusing it with personal touches that resonate deeply with readers.

However, looking to the future, as AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it’s highly likely that AI-generated content will narrow the gap in quality with human-generated content. While AI may soon match or even surpass human efficiency in certain areas, the unique creative and emotional capacities of human writers will remain indispensable for crafting truly compelling and impactful content.

What is Google’s judgment on AI-generated text?

Google's judgment on AI-generated text
Google’s judgment on AI-generated text

Google evaluates AI-generated content through the lens of quality. It advises using AI text in conjunction with human input to ensure it meets its rigorous quality guidelines. This approach prioritizes useful, relevant, and valuable content to users.

Does AI-created content perform well in search rankings?

AI-generated content can achieve high search rankings if it is strategically crafted and adheres to SEO best practices. By utilizing AI writing tools effectively, businesses can enhance the visibility of their content in search results.

Can AI replace human writing shortly?

Can AI replace human writing shortly
Can AI replace human writing shortly

AI is undoubtedly changing how we write, but it’s not about to replace us.  It can churn out a ton of text, but it still lacks the heart and soul that a human brings to the page.  It can’t capture the nuances of emotion, the spark of creativity, or the personal touch that makes a piece truly resonate.

That’s where we humans come in.  We’re not just writers anymore; we’re curators, editors, and enhancers. We take AI’s raw material and shape it into something meaningful, adding our own voice, personality, and expertise. So, while AI is a valuable tool, it’s ultimately our human touch that breathes life into the words and makes them truly sing.


In what scenarios is AI content considered more efficient than human content?

Can AI content effectively match the emotional depth of content created by humans?

Can AI content adapt quickly to sudden changes in market trends as effectively as human content?

What specific content genres or industries might benefit more from AI than human content?

Are there privacy and security risks associated with using AI for content creation that aren't as prevalent in human content creation?

Final words

After this analysis, it’s evident that while AI enhances efficiency and streamlines content production, human content excels in creativity, emotional resonance, and establishing trust with readers. Moving forward, the synergy of both AI and human efforts is expected to reshape content creation strategies, as each plays a pivotal role in the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication.

AI Expert at Avada.ai
Olivia brings her AI research knowledge and background in machine learning/natural language processing to her role at Avada AI. Merging professional expertise in computer science with her passion for AI's impact on technology and human development, she crafts content that engages and educates, driven by a vision of the future shaped by AI technology.