Home > AI Content > 5 Best AI Content Detector APIs In 2024 You Should Check Out

5 Best AI Content Detector APIs In 2024 You Should Check Out

May 27, 2024
6 min read

Are you on the hunt for the most effective AI content detector APIs? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll delve into the top five APIs that are revolutionizing content detection. 

What Are AI Content Detector APIs?

An AI content detector API is software that allows you to seamlessly integrate AI-powered content detection into your existing applications or workflows to identify text content that has been generated by Artificial Intelligence systems.

How They Work:

  • Data Collection and Training: AI models are trained on vast datasets containing both human-written and AI-generated text.
  • Pattern Recognition: The models learn to recognize patterns, linguistic features, and characteristics specific to AI-generated text.
  • Content Analysis: When text is submitted to the API, it analyzes the content and provides a probability score indicating whether the text is likely AI-generated or human-written. Some APIs may provide additional information, such as sentence-level scores or specific patterns detected.

AI Content Detector APIs have a broad range of applications across various industries and fields, including:

  • Education: Detecting AI-written essays or assignments submitted by students.
  • Content Creation: Identifying AI-generated content for quality control or ethical considerations.
  • Publishing: Verifying the originality of articles or blog posts.
  • Social Media: Filtering out AI-generated misinformation or spam.
  • Marketing: Ensuring promotional materials are created by humans and comply with regulations.

Top 5 AI Content Detection APIs

It’s time to explore some of the leading AI content detection APIs, each offering unique features and functionalities to address your content authenticity needs.



Copyleaks stands tall as a comprehensive plagiarism checker that boasts robust AI content detection APIs. This API is easy to use with other systems, making it a simple way to ensure content is original and meets high standards. 

It can tell you if the content is written by a human or AI, even from tools like GPT-4 and Bard. Trusted by top universities and organizations like the University of Cambridge and OHIO Business College, it’s a reliable choice for content protection.

Pricing (for about 1200 credits):

  • AI + Plagiarism Detection: $13.99/month
  • Plagiarism Detector: $8.99/month
  • AI Content Detector: $7.99/month


  • Complete AI Model Coverage: Copyleaks can detect AI content across all AI models, including ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude.
  • Speed and Accuracy: It is claimed to have over 99% overall accuracy and a 0.2% false positive rate, the lowest of any platform.
  • Plagiarism and Paraphrased AI Content Detector: The tool can identify AI-generated text that has been potentially plagiarized and/or paraphrased.
  • AI-generated Source Code Detection: Copyleaks can detect AI-generated source code, provide code licensing alerts, and more
  • Writing Assistant: The tools help users ensure error-free writing with suggestions on sentence structure, mechanics, word choice, and more.
  • Gen AI Governance: Navigate generative AI and prevent data leaks with enterprise-level protection.
  • AI Grader: A revolutionary solution for efficiently grading thousands of standardized tests at every level.



Sapling emerges as a cutting-edge AI content detector API, renowned for its precision in identifying and analyzing AI-generated content. With its advanced machine learning algorithms, Sapling empowers users to safeguard their intellectual property and uphold content integrity with confidence. 

It works with all the popular messaging platforms your team uses, like email, tickets, live chat, and social media.


Usage Per MonthCost Per 1000 Characters
0-10 million chars$0.005
10 million-50 million chars$0.00375
50 million-100 million chars$0.0025
Over 100 million charsContact Sapling for detailed pricing


  • Multiple SDKs and APIs: Sapling offers SDKs for JavaScript and Python, as well as direct HTTP implementations in various languages, providing flexibility for developers.
  • Complete: Sapling handles everything from preparing text to getting results to checking quality. It covers all the steps needed for real-world use.
  • Reliable: Sapling won’t make up unexpected text. It gives organized results that can be used in your systems.
  • Fast: Sapling works quickly, even in real-time situations, for both online and offline use.
  • Easy to Use: You can add Sapling with just a few lines of code. The tool will provide clear instructions and support (see our SLA).
  • Secure: Sapling can protect your data, whether you use our cloud or need a completely separate setup.

Winston AI

Winston AI

Winston AI stands out as a powerful AI content detection API with a robust set of features that extend beyond just identifying AI-written content. It uses advanced algorithms to help businesses analyze large amounts of content, making moderation and risk management easier. 

Their model is constantly updated to keep up with the latest language models, including GPT-4, Bard, ChatGPT, Claude, and others.

Pricing (annually billed):

  • Free plan available
  • Essential: $12/month
  • Advanced: $19/month


  • Private & Secure: Your content is completely private, secure, and encrypted. It’s not shared with or accessed by anyone else.
  • Multilingual: The software detects AI-generated content in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German, with more languages coming soon.
  • Unmatched Accuracy: Winston AI claims a 99.6% accuracy rate in both French and English, setting a new standard for AI detection.



GPTZero stands out as a free, open-source API that uses advanced deep-learning models like ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT4, and Bard to analyze text for plagiarism, copied content, or lack of originality. 

By understanding context and creating human-like responses, it can spot inconsistencies in content, making it a valuable tool for maintaining originality and ensuring the authenticity of written work.

Pricing (annually billed): 

  • Free version available
  • Essential: $10/mo
  • Premium: $16/mo
  • Professional: $23/mo


  • GPT-3 Focused Detection: Unlike some broader AI content detectors, GPTZero concentrates solely on identifying text written by GPT-3 large language models.
  • Simple Integration: Being open-source, GPTZero offers a relatively easy integration process for developers comfortable working with code.
  • Free to Use: A significant advantage is leveraging GPTZero’s detection capabilities without any financial commitment.
  • API Customization: The API offers customization options to tailor the detection to specific use cases and preferences.
  • High Accuracy: GPTZero is recognized for its high accuracy in detecting AI-generated text, especially from models like ChatGPT and GPT-4.



The Originality API is a tool made for content marketers and SEOs to check the originality of their written work. It uses advanced AI detectors, like the ones for Chat GPT, Bard, paraphrased text, and GPT-4, to find similarities, plagiarism, and copied content.

With top-notch NLP algorithms, this tool helps users keep their writing honest and authentic. It’s also very accurate, with 99% accuracy on GPT-4, 83% on GPT-4-powered ChatGPT, and very few false positives.


  • Base Subscription (with API use): $14.95/month


  • Complete AI Model Coverage: The tool can effectively detect AI text across all major Large Language Models (LLMs), including Chat GPT, GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Bard, Llama 2, Claude 2, and even Baidu’s Ernie.
  • AI Detection Chrome Extension: Its free Chrome extension lets you see the creation process of any Google Doc, replaying it step by step. This helps reduce false positives in AI detection.
  • Made-for enterprises: Originality.ai is designed as a comprehensive solution for organizations to publish content with confidence and at scale.
  • Shareable Reports: You can easily share the results of a content scan with a shareable link.
  • Full Website Scan: Just enter a URL and get a complete snapshot of the amount/timing of AI writing on any website.
  • Multiple Language Support: The tool can analyze content in various languages, including English, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Greek, Polish, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Persian.
  • AI Detector API: Use the well-documented AI Content Detector API REST API to detect AI-generated content within your current workflow.
  • High Accuracy: It has 99% accuracy on GPT-4, 83% on GPT-4-powered ChatGPT, and very few false positives.

Bottom Line

These AI content detector APIs help you find AI-generated content across all models. Try out the free trials offered by some to see which one works best for you and your budget.

Marketing Manager at Avada.ai
Dain is the Marketing Manager at Avada AI. He has 4 years of in-depth research on the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the marketing and business fields. During his 4 years at Avada AI, he has published numerous articles on the application of AI in marketing in general and SEO in particular.