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How to Use ChatGPT to Write an Essay l Tips & Tricks

June 05, 2024
24 min read

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can transform your essay writing. However, you need to understand its strengths and limitations to get the most out of it. In this guide, I will share practical tips and tricks to use ChatGPT effectively, helping you write well-organized and engaging essays.

How ChatGPT Supports Writing an Essay

Writing an essay can be a daunting task, from brainstorming ideas to the final editing. ChatGPT, with its advanced language model, offers assistance at every step.

How ChatGPT Supports Writing an Essay

Brainstorming and Idea Generation

ChatGPT provides prompts and suggestions to improve your creativity. You can ask ChatGPT to rephrase or expand on your initial ideas to craft new perspectives.

For instance, if you’re tasked with writing on a leadership topic and want to incorporate Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid and a historical figure, ChatGPT can swiftly provide a tailored suggestion that marries these elements into a compelling topic.

Example Prompt

Can you help me come up with [TOPIC IDEA] for an assignment on leadership, incorporating Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Gird and a historical figure?

Can you help me come up with [TOPIC IDEA] for an assignment on leadership, incorporating Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Gird and a historical figure? 

Research and Information Gathering

  • Finding relevant sources: ChatGPT can help you identify credible sources and summarize key information.
  • Gathering supporting evidence: Ask ChatGPT to provide examples, statistics, or quotes to strengthen your arguments.

Example Prompt

What types of sources can I use for an essay on the long-term effects of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Find source recommendations

Create an Outline

A well-structured outline is the backbone of a coherent essay. However, drafting an outline that effectively organizes your thoughts and research can be tedious.

Providing ChatGPT with your essay topic can generate a comprehensive outline for you. This outline will include main sections and subpoints, giving you a clear roadmap for your essay. 

Example Prompt

Create an outline for a paper on [TOPIC].

Create an outline

Summarize/Rewrite text

ChatGPT is a versatile tool that can summarize and rephrase text. If you have a complex passage, you can ask ChatGPT to provide a concise summary or reword it in simpler terms.

Paraphrase the following passage into your words using simple, clear, and concise sentences. Also, include conjunction and transitional phrases.

Summarize/ rewrite text

Get feedback for an essay 

Feedback is essential for improving essays. It helps pinpoint areas where tone, clarity, argument strength, or structure can be improved.

Additionally, ChatGPT can provide initial feedback on your essay drafts. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to check your essay’s tone or clarity. This preliminary feedback can help you refine your writing before seeking more in-depth comments from others.

Example Prompt

Please give me some feedback on the above text with regard to consistency of tone, clarity of argument, appropriateness of evidence, and coherence of structure.” [INSERT TEXT].

Create Frequently Asked Questions 

Adding an FAQ section to your essay can be valuable, but coming up with relevant questions can be a challenge. By summarizing your essay for ChatGPT, you can get suggestions for potential FAQs that readers might have. This not only saves you time but also makes your essay more engaging and informative.

Example Prompt

Based on your essay on the impact of [TOPIC], what FAQs might readers should know?

Create Frequently Asked Questions

Writing an Essay with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Let’s explore how ChatGPT can simplify and improve your essay writing. This step-by-step guide will show you how to use AI to create well-researched and insightful essays.

Step 1: Choose a topic

The first step in essay writing is to select a topic. It’s crucial to choose one that not only interests you but also meets the assignment’s criteria. ChatGPT can generate topic ideas based on your interests or assignment guidelines.


Among different types of [Topic], what field do you want to focus on and research?

Suggest an exciting topic for a research paper on [Industry field].

I am a blogger. I am interested in [Topic]. Please give me ten topic areas and five blog post ideas for a research paper.

Please suggest [Topic] about [Industry/Niche]. It should be [XXX] words long.

Step 1: Choose a topic

Step 2: Collect and gather information 

With a topic in hand, the next step is to gather information and sources that will form the backbone of your essay. ChatGPT can guide you toward the types of sources to look for.


What types of sources are most relevant to your [Topic] research (e.g., academic journals, books, online databases)?

How will you determine the credibility and reliability of these sources?

What specific questions will you answer through your [Topic]?

Do you need specific tools or software for data collection (e.g., survey platforms, statistical analysis software)?

Step 2: Collect and gather information

Step 3: Ask ChatGPT to create an outline

A well-structured outline is crucial for organizing your thoughts and research findings. ChatGPT can generate a detailed outline for your essay, including main points and subpoints.


Create an overall outline for the research paper.

Create an outline for this [Problem/Issue] on [Topic], with the main topics and subtopics.

Create an outline for a [Format] [Problem/Issue] on [Topic], with the main topics and subtopics.

Create a detailed outline for this research paper about the [Topic].

With [Topic], please generate an outline with title, subheadings, and references.

Step 3: Ask ChatGPT to create an outline

Step 4: Organize our content

The next step is to organize your content according to your outlined structure. ChatGPT can assist in fleshing out each section of your outline with content, suggestions for improvement, and transitions between sections.


I’m writing a research paper on [Topic]. Provide a comprehensive analysis of a key aspect related to [Topic], emphasizing why understanding this aspect is crucial for the readers.

Create a clear, actionable step-by-step guide about the [Topic].

Please clarify the first heading of this outline about [Topic].

Use the provided content outline to create an engaging narrative, including real-world examples, outcomes, and lessons learned.

Write a research paper relying on this outline, suggesting visual elements to complete the narrative.

Use the provided content outline to build the blog post’s main content.

Step 4: Organize our content

Step 5: Get ChatGPT to write the essay  

Writing the first draft of your essay is where your ideas begin to take shape. You can use ChatGPT to draft sections of your essay, which you can refine and expand upon.


Write a descriptive essay about the [Topic], focusing on this created outline. This essay includes specific details about the main features of [Topic] and the emotional feelings.

Write an essay about factors contributing to climate change, discussing its impacts and suggesting ways to reduce its harmful effects.

Describe the journey of overcoming a significant personal obstacle.

Explore the emotional depth of music and its impact.

Write an introductory paragraph of the research paper.

Step 5: Get ChatGPT to write the essay

Step 6: Edit the essay with ChatGPT

Editing is crucial for refining your draft, fixing errors, and improving clarity and coherence. ChatGPT can provide feedback on your draft and suggest edits for improvement.


Rewrite the paragraph(s) using simple, clear, concise sentences. Each paragraph should contain a maximum of 3-4 sentences. Also, divide into small paragraphs correctly and include conjunction and transitional phrases

Rewrite the paragraph using simple, clear, and concise sentences. Also include conjunction and transitional phrases

Ask me questions so you can gather the essential context you need to help me [goal].

Try to revise these paragraph(s) in a clear, easy-to-understand, simple, refined way. Use simple vocabulary and grammar structures if possible. Please use the same languages based on the provided paragraphs. You should follow the writing style of the provided paragraph. You should not change the writing style, such as making a formal paragraph casual. You should only improve the quality of user’s grammar and vocabulary and make sure it sounds natural. Also, please include conjunctions and transitional phrases in a natural way.

Step 6: Edit the essay with ChatGPT

Step 7: Export the essay for submission 

The final step is preparing your essay for submission, ensuring it meets all the requirements.

User Experience and Case Studies

The user experience with ChatGPT tends to be overwhelmingly positive, especially among students, academics, and content creators. Users appreciate the AI’s ability to assist with various stages of the writing process, from brainstorming and outlining to drafting and revising. 

Case Study 1: Academic Research

A university student utilized ChatGPT to assist in writing a research paper on climate change. The AI tool helped the student formulate a thesis statement, generate an outline, and provide suggestions for sources and references. The student produced a well-researched and structured paper, receiving commendation from the professor for the depth of analysis and the quality of writing.

Case Study 1: Academic Research

Case Study 2: Content Creation

A freelance writer employed ChatGPT to generate article ideas and drafts for a series of blog posts on digital marketing. By inputting specific topics and keywords, the writer was able to quickly produce outlines and initial drafts, which were then refined and personalized. This approach significantly reduced the time spent on content creation, allowing the writer to take on additional projects.

Case Study 2: Content Creation

Alternative AI Apps To Write Essays

In the ever-expanding world of AI-driven content creation, numerous platforms offer varied features to assist writers in crafting essays, articles, and other forms of written content. Among these, Writesonic and Rytr stand out for their unique capabilities and user-friendly interfaces. 



Writesonic is an advanced AI writing software that harnesses the power of GPT 3.5 for its free plan and GPT-4 for its paid subscriptions. The platform generates high-quality written content efficiently, offering tools like Botsonic and ChatSonic for an enhanced writing experience.


  • Time-Saving: Quickly generates research and articles, reducing the time spent on these tasks.
  • Creativity Boost: Helps in creating unique and engaging content ideas.
  • Ready-to-Publish: Produces accurate, error-free content that requires minimal editing.
  • Ease of Use: Features a user-friendly interface that’s easy to navigate, making it accessible for all users.


  • Accuracy Issues: The generated content may not always be entirely accurate, necessitating human review and editing.
  • Robotic Tone: Some outputs may sound unnatural, requiring further adjustments to achieve a more human-like tone.



Rytr is an AI-powered content generator that excels in producing original content for a wide array of use cases within seconds. It’s particularly noted for its versatility, supporting over 40 use cases and allowing for tone, creativity level, and language customization.


  • Versatile Use Cases: Supports a broad range of content types with over 40 use cases.
  • Strong Short-Form Content: Excels in generating coherent and high-quality paragraphs and blog post outlines.
  • Unique Features: Offers distinctive tools like an AI image generator and a writing portfolio page builder, adding value for content writing professionals.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is straightforward, focusing on simplicity and ease of use without compromising on functionality.


  • Limited Long-Form Content Capability: Struggles with generating cohesive long-form content, often producing repetitive or nonsensical output.
  • Basic SERP Analysis & Keyword Research: The included SERP analyzer and keyword tools are underdeveloped and lack integration with key metrics, which may be a drawback for users relying on these features.
  • Simplistic UI: While easy to navigate, the UI is basic and lacks optimization for content writing workflows, potentially affecting efficiency.

Bottom Line

As we’ve explored the multifaceted capabilities of ChatGPT in essay writing, it’s clear that this AI tool has the potential to revolutionize how we approach writing tasks. From generating initial ideas to providing feedback on drafts, ChatGPT offers a range of features that can assist both novice and experienced writers.

ChatGPT For Writing an Essay: FAQs

Can ChatGPT write my entire essay for me?

Is it considered plagiarism to use ChatGPT in essay writing?

How accurate is the information provided by ChatGPT?

Can ChatGPT help with citations and references?

How can I make the best use of ChatGPT for writing essays?


Content Manager at Avada.ai
Mike Nguyen is the Content Manager of Avada AI; with over seven years in the AI technology sector, Mike leads the content creation team at Avada AI, dedicated to showcasing the latest information related to AI technology, AI research, AI tools, etc. Mike aims to produce outstanding content that mirrors the forefront of AI innovation, machine learning, and human intelligence.
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