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How to Replace Siri with ChatGPT on Your iPhone

June 10, 2024
25 min read

Are you tired of Siri’s limited capabilities? Improving your iPhone experience by replacing Siri with the powerful and versatile ChatGPT. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating ChatGPT as your new virtual assistant, assisting in creating flexible conversations and personalized interactions.

Preparation for Replacing Siri With ChatGPT on your iPhone

Register for an OpenAI Account

Visit the OpenAI API Keys page on your iPhone’s web browser
  • Step 2: Create an account if you don’t have one, or log in if you already do.
  • Step 3: Click the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the upper-right corner.
  • Step 4: Select “API reference” from the avatar menu.
Select API reference from the avatar menu
  • Step 5: Log in to your account
Log in to your account
  • Step 6: Click “Create New Secret Key” to generate an API key, then click “Start verification.
 Click Create New Secret Key
  • Step 7: After inputting your phone number, you will receive a verification code via message. Enter the code to finish the verification.
After inputting your phone number, you will receive a verification code via message. Enter the code to finish the verification.
  • Step 8: Name your new secret key and click “Create secret key.”
Name your new secret key

Download the ChatGPT Siri Shortcut

Go to Yue-Yang’s GitHub
  • Step 2: Scroll down and click “ChatGPT Siri.”
Scroll down and click Chat GPT Siri
  • Step 3: Click “ChatGPT Siri 1.2.5 (English Version).” to launch the Shortcuts app.
Click ChatGPT Siri 1.2.5 (English Version)
  • Step 4: Tap “Set Up Shortcut.”
Tap Set Up Shortcut
  • Step 5: Paste your OpenAI API key into the provided text field and click “Next” to continue.
Paste your OpenAI API key into the provided text field and click Next to continue
  • Step 6: Tap “Add Shortcut.”
Tap Add Shortcut.

Set up shortcut

  • Step 1: Create a New Shortcut:

Open the Shortcuts app and tap the “+” button on the top right corner to create a new shortcut.

  • Step 2: Add “Text” Action:

Within your shortcut, add a “Text” action. 

Add Text

How To Replace Siri with ChatGPT on iPhone

iPhone users can switch Siri for ChatGPT, adding advanced conversation skills to their phones. Here’s a guide on smoothly integrating ChatGPT into Siri.

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through Apple Shortcut

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT through Apple Shortcuts involves several steps:

Step 1. Add “Get Contents of URL” Action:

  • Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.
  • Tap the “+” button in the top right corner to create a new shortcut.
  • Search for and add the “Get Contents of URL” action.
Search for and add the Get Contents of URL action
  • In the URL field, enter the OpenAI API endpoint:
In the URL field, enter the OpenAI API endpoint
  • Set the method to POST.
Set the method to POST

Step 2. Set Headers and Body

Configure the headers:

  • Add an ” Authorization ” header with the value “Bearer YOUR_API_KEY”.
  • Replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with the actual API key you obtained from OpenAI.

In the body section, use JSON format to send the prompt:


    “messages”: [

        {“role”: “system”, “content”: “You are a helpful assistant.”},

        {“role”: “user”, “content”: “YOUR_INPUT”}



Set Headers and Body

Step 3. Handle API Response

Add actions to manage the API response. Use “Get Dictionary Value” to extract the ChatGPT-generated from the response and save it to a variable. 

Handle API Response

Step 4. Speak or Display Response

Add actions to vocalize or display the ChatGPT response. Use the “Speak Text” action for Siri to read the response aloud, or choose “Show Result” to display it visually.

Speak or Display Response

Step 5. Run Siri Voice Command

Activate Siri and use the voice command to run the ChatGPT replacement. 

Step 6. Refine and Iterate

Improve your shortcut based on user feedback and resolve any problems identified. Engage in testing and refinement cycles to enhance your Siri alternative’s performance

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through GitHub

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT on your iPhone involves several steps through GitHub. Follow these detailed instructions:

Step 1. Install GitHub on iPhone

Install a GitHub client from the App Store on your iPhone. Options such as “GitHub” or “GitPoint.” 

Install GitHub on iPhone

Step 2. Clone ChatGPT Repository

  • Install a Git client on your iPhone. You can use apps like Working Copy, GitPoint, or any other Git client available on the App Store.
Clone ChatGPT Repository
  • Open the Git client app on your iPhone, choose the “+” button on the top right corner, and select “Clone repository.”
select Clone repository
  • Select the “URL” option and type in the ChatGPT’s repository’s URL. Then, begin the cloning process by pressing the “Clone” button.  
Select the URL option and type in the ChatGPT’s repository’s URL.
  • After the cloning process finishes, the ChatGPT repository will be duplicated on your iPhone, allowing you to access and work with the files as needed.
After the cloning process finishes, the ChatGPT repository will be duplicated on your iPhone, allowing you to access and work with the files as needed

Step 3. Run ChatGPT on iPhone

Run the Python script to the cloned directory in Pythonista’s file manager.  

  • Open “Pythonista” on your iPhone.
  • Tap “Create” to create a new file.
  • Name the file chatgpt.py (or any other name you prefer) and save it in a folder. 
Run ChatGPT on iPhone
  • In your Chatgpt.py script, set your API key using the following line of code:


{import openai

openai.api_key = “YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY”}

Replace “YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY” with your actual API key.

Replace YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY with your actual API key

Click the play icon in the top right corner to run the script. A prompt displays “You: ” in the console.  

Step 4. Create Siri Shortcut

Launch the Shortcuts app on your iPhone and make a new shortcut to activate ChatGPT. Choose the “Run Script” action and enter the ChatGPT script or API call.

  • Create a New Shortcut named “ChatGPT Activation.”
Create Siri Shortcut
  • Add the “Run Script” Action.
Add the Run Script Action
  • Enter the ChatGPT Script: paste a Python code directly into the script field.
Enter the ChatGPT Script: paste a Python code directly into the script field
  • Once you’ve configured the shortcut, tap “Done” to save it.

Step 5. Test Siri Replacement

Test your Siri replacement by activating Siri and using the voice command you set up.

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through OpenAI

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT through OpenAI involves several steps, including: 

Step 1. Clone the Repository

  • Install a Git client on your iPhone using apps such as Working Copy, GitPoint, or any Git client available on the App Store.  
Install a Git client on your iPhone using apps such as Working Copy, GitPoint, or any Git client available on the App Store.  
  • Open the Git client app, choose the “+” button in the top right corner, and choose “Clone repository.”
Open the Git client app
  • Choose option “URL” and Enter the URL of the ChatGPT repository.  
Choose option URL and Enter the URL of the ChatGPT repository
  • After finishing the cloning process, the ChatGPT repository will be copied to your iPhone, allowing you to access and work with the files as needed. 
After finishing the cloning process, the ChatGPT repository will be copied to your iPhone, allowing you to access and work with the files as needed.

Step 3. Install Dependencies

  • Install Python from Python.org.
Install Python from Python.org.
  • Navigate to the Downloads section and choose the version of Python you install (e.g., Python 3.12.2). 
Navigate to the Downloads section and choose the version of Python you install (e.g., Python 3.12.2). 
  • Run the app
Run the app
Run the app-1
  • Open a Terminal or Command Prompt:

→ On Windows: Press “Win + R,” type cmd, and press “Enter.”

Open a Terminal or Command Prompt

→ Type Python and press “Enter.”

 Type Python and press Enter

→ Run this command to generate a requirements.txt file: pip freeze > requirements.txt

Step 4. Configure OpenAI API Key

Navigate to the project directory, find the file “Config.py,” and enter your OpenAI API key into the OPENAI_API_KEY variable in this file.

Step 5. Test ChatGPT

Run a test to confirm that ChatGPT offline mode is working correctly. Execute python chat.py in your terminal, input a prompt, and verify the generated ChatGPT response.


Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through Voice Command

To replace Siri with ChatGPT using voice commands, you’ll need to follow a series of steps. Here’s a detailed guide to assist you through the process:

Step 1. Voice Command Setup:

  • Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone and tap the “+” icon at the top right corner to create a new shortcut.
  • Tap on “Add Action” and search for “Dictate Text”. Select it and choose the language you want to use.
Voice Command Setup
Tap on the + icon below the Dictate Text
  • Tap on the “+” icon below the “URL” action and search for “Get Contents of URL”. Select it and tap on “Show More.”
Select it and tap on Show More.
  • Under “Method”, choose “POST.” Under “Headers”, tap on “Add Header” and enter “Authorization” as the key and “skxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” as the value, where “sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” is your OpenAI API key that you copied earlier.
sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is your OpenAI API key that you copied earlier.
  • Under “Request Body,” choose “JSON.” Tap on “Add new field” and enter “prompt” as the key and “Dictated Text” as the value.
  • Tap on “Done” to save the shortcut.
  • Record phrases that will activate the shortcut, such as “Hey Siri, ChatGPT.” Tap on “Done” to save the phrase.

Step 2. Integrate Voice Recognition with ChatGPT

You have already integrated voice recognition with ChatGPT by using the “URL” and “Get Contents of URL” actions in the shortcut.  

Step 3. Send Voice Input to ChatGPT API

You have already set up the process to send voice input to the ChatGPT API by using the “URL” and “Get Contents of URL” actions in the shortcut.

Step 4. Receive and Process ChatGPT Response

  • To receive and process the ChatGPT response, add a few more actions to the shortcut.
  • Tap on the “+” icon below the “Get Contents of URL” and search for “Get Dictionary Value.
Receive and Process ChatGPT Response
  • Tap on the “+” icon below the “Get Dictionary Value” action and search for “Get Item from List.” Select it and choose “First Item” as the index. 
Tap on the + icon below the Get Dictionary Value
  • Tap on the “+” icon below the “Get Item from List” action and search for “Get Dictionary Value.”
Tap on the + icon below the Get Item from List
  • Tap on the “+” icon below the “Get Dictionary Value” action and search for “Speak Text”. 
Tap on the + icon below the Get Dictionary Value action and search for Speak Text”
  • Tap on “Done” to save the shortcut.

Step 5. Test Voice Command Activation

Test the entire process by activating your voice command and seeing the ChatGPT response.

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through the Home Screen

To swap Siri for ChatGPT via the Home Screen, you need to set up a shortcut for easy access. Here are the instructions, broken down step by step:

Step 1. Set Up HTTP Request

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through the Home Screen

Step 2. Configure Headers and Body

  • In the Headers section of the HTTP Request action, add an “Authorization” header. Replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with the API key from OpenAI: “Bearer YOUR_API_KEY.”
  • In the Body section, structure the input in JSON format: {“messages”: [{“role”: “system,” “content”: “You are a helpful assistant.”}, {“role”: “user,” “content”: “YOUR_INPUT”}]}.
Configure Headers and Body

Step 3. Manage API Response

Add actions to manage the API response, using “Get Dictionary Value” to extract the ChatGPT-generated message and save it in a variable for further use.

Step 4. Present the Response

Use the “Speak Text” action to make Siro voice the ChatGPT response. Alternatively, choose the “Show Result” action to display the response on your iPhone screen.

Step 5. Save and Name

To save your shortcut, tap the icon in the top-right corner and choose a name. 

Step 6. Add to Home Screen

Access the Shortcuts app on your device. Find your ChatGPT shortcut, tap the ellipsis (…) icon, and select “Add to Home Screen.” 

Step 7. Test from Home Screen

Return to your Home Screen and find the newly created ChatGPT shortcut. Watch how Siri voices or displays the ChatGPT response, creating a seamless experience.

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT Through Lock Screen

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT through the Lock Screen involves creating a shortcut for quick access without unlocking your device.

Step 1. Input Your Question

  • Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. If you don’t have it, download it from the App Store.
  • Tap the “+” icon to create a new shortcut.
  • Add a “Text” action where you type the question or prompt you want to ask ChatGPT.
Input Your Question

Step 2. Set Up API Request

Set Up API Request

Step 3. API Authorization and Input

  • In the Headers section of the “HTTP Request” action, add an “Authorization” header. Replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with the API key you obtained from OpenAI: “Bearer YOUR_API_KEY“.
  • In the Body section, structure the prompt using JSON format. This helps ChatGPT understand the conversation context. For example: {“messages”: [{“role”: “system,” “content”: “You are a helpful assistant.”}, {“role”: “user,” “content”: “YOUR_INPUT”}]}.
API Authorization and Input

Step 4. Manage ChatGPT’s Response

  • After sending your question to ChatGPT, add a “Get Dictionary Value” action.
  • Configure the “Get Dictionary Value” action to retrieve the specific content generated by ChatGPT and save it to a variable for later use.
Manage ChatGPT’s Response

Step 5. Siri’s Response Presentation

  • Determine how Siri will present the ChatGPT response. Use the “Speak Text” action if you want Siri to voice the response. Alternatively, use the “Show Result” action to display it on your screen.
Siri’s Response Presentation

Step 6. Make it a Lock Screen Widget

  • Tap the ellipsis (…) icon in the top-right corner of your shortcut to access additional settings.
  • Choose “Add to Home Screen” and set it as a widget.

Wrapping Up

Replacing Siri with ChatGPT, users can explore an extensive range of options for natural conversations on their iPhones, significantly improving the quality and fluidity of interaction with their devices.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Is it possible to replace Siri with ChatGPT?

Is Siri better than ChatGPT?

How do I use ChatGPT voice command on my iPhone?

AI Expert at Avada.ai
Olivia brings her AI research knowledge and background in machine learning/natural language processing to her role at Avada AI. Merging professional expertise in computer science with her passion for AI's impact on technology and human development, she crafts content that engages and educates, driven by a vision of the future shaped by AI technology.
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